A love poem inspired by the sudden breakup with my one great love.
Een liefdesgedicht geïnspireerd door de plotselinge breuk met mijn enige grote liefde.
You tell me it’s over, and you walk away, I am knocked sideways, and you don’t tell me why, I look for a reason, to explain the breakup, to explain the inexplicable, to understand why? I ask myself, was it something I said, was it something I did, it’s so sad that it must end like this, then I ask myself, was it something I should have said, was it something I should have done, it’s so sad that it should end like this, it took time, you were the love of my life, I was heartbroken, not a day would go by when I wouldn't think of you, it took a long time to not feel the pain each time I thought of you, looking back, I know I was not faultless, once in a while, I could be preoccupied and distant, I regret that I was not always more thoughtful and attentive, our last time together, you were so happy that I was going to be with you at Easter, you planned a weekend trip to the islands, and you were looking forward to living together for good, this should have been great time for us both, instead I messed up, and I did not give you the attention that I should have, I am so sad these are my last memories of you, I need you to know, I never meant to let you down, I would have done anything, had you asked, not to lose you, it’s so sad that it ended like this,
(© 1991 – 2025, Neil Nathan, ‘Was it something I said?’. The Hague. Published 2020)