Rolling Stones Concert, 1998, The Hague.
Great memories of the Rolling Stones concert, 5th September 1998 at the Malieveld, Den Haag. Being one of 86,000, in the middle of a rain storm.
Poems and stories contemplating life, reflecting on the past, thinking about the future and musing about love.
Great memories of the Rolling Stones concert, 5th September 1998 at the Malieveld, Den Haag. Being one of 86,000, in the middle of a rain storm.
Feeling melancholy, There are so many Elvis love songs but these ones remind me the most of my one great love.— Ik voel me melancholisch, er zijn zoveel liefdesliedjes van Elvis, maar deze herinneren me het meest aan mijn enige grote liefde.
I was working in a wine bar in my home town of Croydon back in 1979, I was just 20. Shirreffs wine bar was located in a cellar in George Street, that had live music a couple of times a week and I got to hear music by Carole King, Joni Michell, Carly Simon, James […]
There are two songs that will always remind me of the greatest love of my life, ‘Wonderful Tonight’ (1977) by Eric Clapton and ‘Promise Me’ (1990) by Beverly Craven.
Both ‘Eternal Flame’ by The Bangles, and ‘Show me Heaven’ by Maria Mckee, were popular and personal favorites during the relationship. ‘Stop’ by Sam Brown also got played.