‘Mystery Girl’ is from a collection of poems I wrote in 1994/95, inspired by Julia, a girl that I once knew, who was a little mysterious to me.
— ‘Mystery Girl’ komt uit een verzameling gedichten die ik in 1994/95 schreef, geïnspireerd door Julia, een meisje dat ik ooit kende en die een beetje mysterieus voor me was.
I'm happy when I'm with you, I miss you when I'm not, I need you more than want you, I feel lost when I'm without you, Is there something I should ask? Is there something you’d like to know, there never seems to be time to talk, I only wish there were, I can't help but look at you, and feel you looking back, I don't have all the answers, and maybe you don't have either, I hope that one day, that we will find the time, then I can say - I knew you, and you can say the same, But if you want to remain, as you are, a mystery to me, then I'll no longer ask, and you'll always be, a mystery girl to me.
(© 1994 – 2025 , Neil Nathan, Julia – ‘Mystery Girl’, The Hague. Originally written 1994, published 2020)