‘Mystery Girl’ is from a collection of poems I wrote in 1994/95, inspired by Julia, a girl that I once knew, who was a little mysterious to me.

— ‘Mystery Girl’ komt uit een verzameling gedichten die ik in 1994/95 schreef, geïnspireerd door Julia, een meisje dat ik ooit kende en die een beetje mysterieus voor me was.

unknown celebrity grayscale photography
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash
I'm happy when I'm with you, 
I miss you when I'm not,
I need you more than want you,
I feel lost when I'm without you,

Is there something I should ask?
Is there something you’d like to know,
there never seems to be time to talk,
I only wish there were,

I can't help but look at you,
and feel you looking back,

I don't have all the answers, 
and maybe you don't have either,
I hope that one day,
that we will find the time,
then I can say - I knew you,
and you can say the same,

But if you want to remain,
as you are,
a mystery to me, 
then I'll  no longer ask,
and you'll always be,
a mystery girl to me.

(© 1994 – 2025 , Neil Nathan, Julia – ‘Mystery Girl’, The Hague. Originally written 1994, published 2020)

audio recording of Mystery Girl

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