‘Maybe’ is from a collection of poems I wrote in 1994/95, inspired by Julia, a girl that I once knew.
— ‘Maybe’ komt uit een verzameling gedichten die ik in 1994/95 schreef, geïnspireerd door Julia, een meisje dat ik ooit kende.
Is this real, am I really here with you? maybe I am dreaming, where do I start, where do I stop, maybe, I'm not sure, and maybe, I don't know, all I know for sure, is that I want to see you more, and when we say goodbye, maybe, you'll want to see me more, you are beautiful and warm, no words could better describe, and I knew, very soon, that I'd be seeing you again, maybe, now I'm confused, where does sex begin to end, and making love begin to start, I think that you'll have the answer, maybe, I enjoy the moments that I'm with you, to feel you close to me, to look at you and know, we'll have this time together, maybe I have said enough, I like it when you listen, so maybe when you've read these lines, then perhaps you'll understand, maybe
(© 1994 – 2025 , Neil Nathan, Julia – ‘Maybe’, The Hague. Originally written 1994, published 2020 )