A love poem musing about my brief affair with Siobhan December 1995 – January 1996.

— Een liefdesgedicht mijmerend over mijn korte affair met Siobham december 1995 – januari 1996

I met her at my local bar,
she had raven black hair,
and dark eyes,
she could be loud,
she was fun,
she was life of the party,
I was drawn to her,
on our first date,
we went to the movies,
and then we had a drink,
before I walked her home,
then unexpectedly,
she kissed me longingly,
and she held me tight,
and we spent the night,
she was alluring,
and ravishing,
she was petite,
and had the most perfect body,
I could not resist her charms,
for a while,
we spend the nights together
enjoying each other,
and the pleasure we gave,
then she changed,
she would come to me,
to spend the night,
she would hold me, 
but keep me distant,
she would party more,
and for a while,
she still come back to me,
and then,
she would party even more,
I would not know,
where she was,
or what she was doing
I could not ask her to stop,
as that was not who she was,
so, eventually,
I had to tell her,
that as much as I liked her,
I knew she'd never change,
and there was not enough,
for us to be together,
and I could not be with her,
and I had to let her go,


(© 1995 – 2025 , Neil Nathan, ‘I had to let her go’, The Hague. Published 2020)

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